Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The happenings lately...

I thought I would drop in to catch you up on a few life tidbits, if you follow me on instagram you've probably already seen all these. If you don't... then you should! My username is paddingtonway :). Come follow me {here}! 

I'm done buying furniture for the nursery, and only spent $195 so far! I am really really really proud of myself! It all is second hand, and needs to be refinished but I like to do that kind of stuff anyways. I can't wait to show you! I haven't found too many accessories yet, but I have ideas for all those! This is the chair I am redoing. Isn't it so awesome?! 

I'm also working on Grace's big girl room at the same time [I like to do EVERYTHING at once because that makes me SUPER productive haha] Here is most of her bedding. I am going bright & colorful but still very classic. I just finished painting her vintage french  bed & can't wait to show you! 

I stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up some supplies for spring projects. There will be at least 2 tutorials that come out of this cart of goods. Is there anything better than Spring? I say no.

Oh, and in case you forgot... I am still pregnant over here. 25 weeks. I am getting REALLY excited and nervous for this little boy. I just know he is going to be quite the character haha.

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