Saturday, September 20, 2014

Making the perfect gift.

My very best friend from my teenagerhood is getting married & I am SO excited for her to join the amazing world of the married's. 
I really love to give gifts with a special touch, that will still have meaning and significance in years to come. Little touches go a long way to make a present stand out among the hoards of wedding presents. 

I am so in love with this card I ordered from Treat by Shutterfly
It is custom designed &made for my specific occasion and is even LESS expensive than a lot of standard cards at the regular store. 
Plus, there's only ONE like it in the world. Talk about upping the special factor. 

There are so many beautiful customizable designs on their website for all occasions to choose from. 

I'm adding this card on top of a special present that I don't want to share just yet, since the wedding hast happened yet.. eh emm. I am so excited to add this sweet touch as the icing on top of something beautiful and handmade for my dear friend. 

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