DIY: Chalkboard Coffee Table.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
So, I can't really say that this project was ALL my idea because I have seen chalkboard coffee tables around a lot of places. 
I always thought it was a good idea, so then a few days ago when Grace might have found a pen and decided it was a good idea to draw all over my cute pedestal coffee table in our front room... instead of busting out the magic erasers and making a big deal out of it... I decided to embrace drawing on tables and gave it a coat of chalkboard paint.

The room needed some darker elements to make it more grounded, so I think it's actually PERFECT! I've prepared myself to embrace lots of messy chalky scribbles, but actually I think it adds a load of character and helps our house feel even more lived in. 

So the lesson is, why fight writing on furniture when you can embrace it? 


Mariana said... 1

I think this is such a great idea!
I've been thinking of doing this with my little boy's table for a while.
Your table turned out lovely!!

Kristin@ A Vintage Fairy said... 2

I just painted one myself, and now am looking for a clever way to hold the chalk. thinking of drilling hole in table to hold cup. Where does your chalk hide? Kristin

MGal @ said... 3

This looks so good. I want to do the same thing to my daughters mini table in her nursery but wonder if it will inadvertently teach her to write on the table. Your thoughts? Stop by and check out my blog if you get a minute. Cheers, MGal

SheilaG @ Plum Doodles said... 4

Your table looks great, love it!

Miss Kitty said... 5

What a creative idea in a "make lemonade out of lemons"sort of way. I think it is VERY CUTE! Thanks for sharing your great idea. I saw your post over at "Classy Clutter" party.

Melissa @ Loving this {crazy} life! said... 6

I absolutely LOVE it! What a great idea!

Kari said... 7

I love this! I just pinned it to my boards and I am your newest follower! Can't wait to see what you come up with next. :)

Kathy said... 8

Cute coffee table!

Unknown said... 9

It looks great! I've done a chalkboard coffee table as well, except mine is yellow! I sold mine and I really regret it! haha :) Found you via Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots and Jello!

-Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

Danielle said... 10

Love how your sweet chalk board coffee table came out. I'm dying to do one.

Marisa said... 11

So cute, but I'm dying to know... where did you get that rug? :)

Allison @ The Golden Sycamore said... 12

It turned out really cute! And it looks like it fits in perfectly with the rest of your room! Way to embrace the challenge and make something beautiful! :)

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