Our entry way.

Monday, October 29, 2012
We just moved & I've been busy trying to get things put away. With design jobs and design school it's been quite a process. A long. Drawn out. Process. 

Here are a few snaps of our entry way. 
 The monogram is from Southern Nest on Etsy. 
I SUPER love it. 

I made the hooks out of an old window, I got the idea from this girl's blog. It was simple & I love the outcome. I used double stick tape to stick some vintage music sheets in the windows. 

I kept it super simple as our entry is REALLY small. There's a bench to take off your shoes and baskets for shoe storage.

Who doesn't love a sparkly pumpkin? Fall made an appearance in our home after all. I was doubting I would even get anything out to decorate this year because our house so not put together. 

Finally a little vinyl decal on the panes makes a nice welcome message to our guests. 

I know it's simple, but I love it.


Em @ And Nothing Else Matters said... 1

Your entry way looks fantastic! I love how light, bright and airy it looks.