We're back! And I fail.

Friday, August 5, 2011
We packed up our little family and went to St. George this week.
We had no real plans, we just wanted to get up and go!
So that's what we did.
And you know what... those kind of trips always end up the very best!
We had a fun filled trip! So busy but so great!

Grace spent lots of time with Spencer's family.
She was definitely spoiled with love and attention.
Not that she isn't every single day of her life.
But she got even EXTRA amounts.
Lucky girl.

We went antiquing.
I ended up with two treasures and I can't wait to share the story of them!

I got to eat at every. single. delicious. restaurant.
St. George is filled with dining gems that I crave so bad.
Yum. I was well fed.

I met Spencer's best friend growing up, Kimball.
I think it's hilarious that Spencer and Kimball were best friends.
Because of the LDS prophet Spencer W. Kimball.
Guess you have to be mormon to understand that one.

We went to dinner with my old roomate from SUU.
Danelle is freaking adorable, I love her.
Danelle and I about 3 years ago at the Parowan Parade.
We didn't take a picture this time but we look about the same.
Except I am FAR LESS tan.

Bet you're wondering where all my pictures are?
I am a picture lady ya know.
You all know that.

I took lots of wonderful pictures with my new beauty... BUT I accidentally deleted ALL OF THEM this morning.
We went on a photo shoot by Ancestor Square and the new carousel in St. George.
Grace was precious in them, and Spencer oh so handsome as always.
I am so mad at myself, I almost started crying when I realized what I did.
Just imagine Spencer in a plaid button up and Grace with a big flower headband and skinnies.

In other news, I had lots of packages today.
I love mail.
I might just order everything online from now on because getting mail makes me giddy.
This is my new favorite, beautiful camera bag.
You will see her hanging on my arm from now until ever.
Meet Rose, from Jo Totes.
She's a pretty one.


Jenna Duty said...

just found your blog! super cute! my name is Jenna too! great name! My brother and sister - in- law go to SUU. and that is hilarious that your husbands best friends name was kimball! so funny!!!

jenna duty


Bailey and Chris said...

Oh my goodness that sounds like a fun trip! How the heck is Danelle? I haven't talk to her in forever but I think about her (and all the old roomies) all the time.

Jenna said...

Jenna thanks for stopping by! Glad to have ya :)!

Bailey it was so great! Shes the exact same cute person she always was. We had fun catching up! We sure had some interesting room mates haha.

Liz said...

Aw sounds like such a fun trip! I agree - spontaneous trips do end up being the best :) And my absolute favorite thing to do on vacation is eat delicious food for every meal! Sounds like you accomplished this!!