Whoo hoo!

Monday, September 19, 2011
I am officially signed up for a life changing class.Life altering- really!
I'm taking a One on One photo class with Emilie. We have been emailing back and forth trying to figure out all the details and let me tell you something, she is SO sweet! 
I am SO excited &thrilled that we are going to be working together!
Whoo hoo!

Anyways, I thought I'd share some precious moments happening around here lately.
Can you believe looloo is almost 9 months old in 2 days!
Ugh, make her stay little.

 She is completely fascinated by the faucet. She loves bath time! Since I snapped these pictures she has since grown out of her little baby tub. Sad day. 

Today we took out to her first jungle gym at the park experience. She loved the swings &the slide.

ps- I was that momma who said my child would never leave the house without shoes on. Then Grace was born &shoes are pretty much her nemesis. She wears them when I force her, but they are off before I know it. She owns shoes though I promise. 


Lori said...

oh my gosh, your daughter is seriously the cutest thing ever. EVER.

New follower, please stop on by:

Dawn Trest said...

What a precious baby! Your family is beautiful!